Erectile dysfunction — John's story

My name is John. I was a public servant for 25 years. In my late forties, I had set up a gardening business to marry my interest in golf with horticulture. Despite my best efforts, I never did get a job as a groundsman on a golf course but the business ran for several years regardless. Now I’m 71 and retired. Soon I’ll be celebrating 50 years of marriage.
When I was 57, I was diagnosed with erectile dysfunction (ED), which is an inability to get or keep an erection during sexual intercourse. I am really comfortable talking about this issue now, I’d never discussed it with any other guys. I guess no one wants to admit to it.
My sex life was a disaster for several years. I was having ‘improper’ erections that weren’t firm. I would ejaculate about a minute into intercourse. This was not good for my wife, and not good for me. I felt like I wasn’t performing, that I was failing her. She thought I no longer found her attractive. But it didn’t have anything to do with her at all.
I’d heard about Viagra online and decided to go to my doctor to ask about it. It was very clear to the GP from the outset that my problem was caused by smoking, which can affect your circulation, including your circulation down there. I had no idea of the link between erectile dysfunction and smoking but he made the connection straight away. If I’d known, I would have gone much earlier.
I’ve since spoken with friends with ED who are younger than me. One had his prostate removed for cancer. The surgery for this often cuts some nerves which causes ED. ED can also be a side effect of some drugs for high blood pressure. The reasons for the problem can be different for different blokes.
In my case, I’d been smoking for 37 years. I had never considered giving up before because I thought I was too addicted. But once I made the connection, I said to myself that if I’m going to fix this problem, the smoking’s got to go.
My GP put me onto a drug which is acts like a mind bending drug that gets you to a stage where you don’t want to have cigarettes. It can have some side-effects so it’s not for everyone. In my case it worked – I gave up smoking within seven days. My GP put me on Viagra. This worked very well, with minimal side effects. When on it, some people can get a bit of a headache, or feel a little flushed. After a time, I tried other drugs for erectile dysfunction called Cialis and Levitra. All three worked well, but some had side effects so you should choose the product which has lees or no side effects on you. Cialis worked the best for me.
But these ED medicines came with higher costs and it was an expensive treatment. Then I tried surfing online and found many websites dealing in Generic ED drugs. had best prices for ED drugs and the quality of product was best for me. I have shifted to generic cialis after checking the best prices and quality offered by onlinegenericcialis. I have been successfully doing it for three years now and haven’t experienced any side effects.
What I would say to other men is that if you are having the same problem, the first step is to go and speak to your GP. This isn’t something to be scared of. While I was initially a bit embarrassed, doing something about it has been worth it. It’s restored my confidence and really helped my relationship. I only wish I’d done it earlier.