What secretes hCG and what is its physiological function? How does it work?

It's delicate to say who specifically was the discoverer of the hormone we call hCG. In 1912, stimulated the genital tract of guinea pigs with injections of a water-answerable extracts of mortal placenta. In 1913, convinced ovulation in immature rabbits with a saline extracts of mortal placenta. In 1919, Hirose stimulated ovulation and normal luteal function in immature rabbits by repeated injection of mortal placental tissue. They showed that fitting this substance into complete immature womanish mice let to follicular maturation, ovulation, and hemorrhaging into the ovarian stroma. Around this time, the name mortal chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) was conceived Chorion comes from latin chordata meaning afterbirth; gonadotropin because the hormone is a gonad tropic molecule, acting on the ovaries, promoting steroid production.
As we know today, hCG is a hormone comprising an α-subunit and a β-subunit which are held together bynon-covalent hydrophobic and ionic interactions. The molecular weight of hCG is roughly. It's an unusual molecule in that 25-41 of the molecular weight is deduced from the sugar side- chains. Today, the function of hCG is still marked as being progesterone promotion in utmost medical student text books, but we now know now that hCG has multitudinous other important placental, uterine and fatal functions in pregnancy. From the time of implantation, hCG produced by trophoblastic cells take over corpus luteal progesterone production rom luteinizing hormone (LH), acting on a common hCG/ LH receptor. This continues for roughly 3 to 4 weeks.
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Research now shows that there are at least 4 independent variants of hCG, each produced by different cells with separate natural functions. All the molecules partake a common hCGβ-subunit amino acid sequence. There's hCG, produced by discerned syncytiotrophoblast cells or more specifically villous syncytiotrophoblast cells as pregnancy progresses. This is the molecules that promotes progesterone production by ovarian corpus luteal cells and has multiple other natural functions as described below. Hyperglycosylated hCG isn't a hormone but is an autocrine, acting on cytotrophoblast cells to promote cell growth and invasion as in implantation of pregnancy and invasion by choriocarcinoma cells. Free β-subunit is the alternately glycosylated monomeric variant of hCG made by all non-trophoblastic advanced malignancies. Free β-subunit promotes growth and malice of advanced cancers. A fourth variant of hCG is pituitary hCG, produced during the womanish menstrual cycle. This atoms has sulfated rather than sialylated oligosaccharides. Pituitary hCG functions in an LH-suchlike manner to promote follicular maturation, stigma formation and meiosis in the primary follicle, ovulation, luteinization of the follicle, and progesterone production during the menstrual cycle. The natural activities of all 4 variants of hCG and the actions of the hCG/ LH receptor are precisely delved in this review.
The serum and urine concentration of hCG and hyperglycosylated hCG during pregnancy are delved in this comprehensive review. The extreme variations of hCG and hyperglycosylated hCG concentration are examined and how the extreme concentrations are managed by the hCG/ LH receptor are delved. hCG ties a typical receptor with LH, the LH/hCG receptor. The explicitness of the receptor and system of receptor activity are likewise viewed as in this audit.